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Oprah Winfrey

Posts: 3,067
Joined: Nov 2009
04-27-2011, 04:16 PM

So as my other thread explained. My HDD shit the bed. I just got home from work and tried to start up the computer to see if I could at least boot it up. Now I'm getting nothing. It's not even getting to the BIOS screen. It starts up I just get a black screen.

11:35 Socks Greatbacon_work: Just accept the idea of enemas.

Posts: 4,183
Joined: Jun 2015
04-27-2011, 04:37 PM

Are you at least getting spinning fans and lights?

Unplug the PC, take out everything except the CPU. Take out the video, memory, disconnect all the drives....

See if it'll beep. If it does, toss in the ram. Should still get error beeps. Then try the video card....

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