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Mad Hatter

Posts: 12,998
Joined: Mar 2008
02-07-2011, 10:32 AM

As most of you should be aware by now Red's IP changed, I initially said this changed due to a crash on gameservers' part, this is not the case. I spent most of my snowmageddon day off porting everything over to NFO, Kirby spoiled the surprise several times over. I wanted to see if people actually noticed a change in or if the hit detection woes were mostly in their head.

Either way, its gotten a lot harder to seed Red as I expected so I was not wrong in overstating the value of a very old IP, as opposed to pubs flooding in when we'd get 8 people in, it now takes 12 - 14, it seemed last night that we had to get the server to 16 people before _any_ random joined. So, for those of you that kept hounding me to do this, step up or shut-up, because I can just as easily reactivate the old GS server if we aren't seeding this one. And I simply do not have the time to come home after work and spend a 2 hour session getting the server full only to watch it empty out within 30 minutes of me leaving.

Oh and Red now has a vote 5 min prior to the map ending, it will show whats nominated or the next 5 maps in rotation. Please be kind to pubbies in what maps you pick  :-*

Now, on to Blue - I have placed this plugin on Blue

This plugin disables unlockable weapons, forcing the server back to vanilla. Basically if you have an unlocked weapon equipped, it forces you back to stock.

What This Plugin Does:
- Prevents Users from Equipping Certain Weapons
- Re-Equips users with stock items

What This Plugin Does Not Do:
- Disables Hats and Other Misc Items

I've heard more than a few people say they'd play TF2 more if valve hadn't "ruined it" by adding things. So, just like I said with Red, nut-up or shut-up, if that's really what you want, now you have it  :-*

To Recap:
Red: Custom Maps + Unlocks - red.brbuninstalling.com
Blue: Vanilla Stock + No Unlocks - blue.brbuninstalling.com
Green: Payload-Only -
Yellow: Vanilla Stock + Unlocks - brbu.game.nfoservers.com:27015
(HeK if you could make a yellow and green pointer, <3 )

I will be doing a re-evaluation of admin access on servers in the coming weeks and partially basing this on who is seeding and actually playing a fair amount. So if you are interested, let me know.

[Image: caffsighl7.jpg]Â[Image: 1184299259221.gif]
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