CaffeinePowered Mad Hatter Posts: 12,998 Joined: Mar 2008 |
06-07-2009, 02:46 PM
ctf_daylight_a1 - conversion of Venguard's cp_daylight to a push style CTF map, notible differences from other push maps are that the flag restores health/ammo to people around it much like the payload cart
pl_cottage_b1 - Screens look nice, not a very good description on the FPS banana page though arena_deep13_b5 - updated to fix some bugs and make it look much nicer cp_toyfort_alt3 - Haven't done a toyfort or rats map in a long while What I mean by free release for norad is, that if anyone is interested I will release the source files to you for debugging. I simply do not have the time to attempt to weed out the bug that keeps causing the Inline Model Errors, feel free to PM me in the forums, IRC, or steam if you are interested. Time: 8pm CST Server: #1 Password: littlecart Please make sure to DOWNLOAD the maps before hand, hope to see you all out. daylight cottage deep13 toyfort Also I added borax to the rotation temporarily  Sig by Joel |
Negate Born the same day as Linux... poor guy.. Posts: 766 Joined: Apr 2008 |
06-07-2009, 03:29 PM
I'll be thar.
Your in the minority, its supposed to taste like a shit taco Jon Stewart [move]ii@.[/move] |
Maxon BRB, Posting Posts: 2,251 Joined: Aug 2008 |
06-07-2009, 04:32 PM
I will probably make it to this one cause it's my last one for awhile. Toy Fort looks fun.
Luinbariel Snailcat ..@:3 Posts: 4,520 Joined: Jun 2008 |
06-07-2009, 05:05 PM
I will be somewhere in western Canada on that day! Where? Who knows!
KarthXLR Free of STD's ... lolwut? Posts: 9,927 Joined: May 2008 |
06-07-2009, 05:17 PM
I'll try to get there. |
backfire Uninstalling Posts: 3,520 Joined: Jun 2008 |
06-09-2009, 04:58 AM
I'll try and be there, but between Prototype and the fact it's 5am right now, might be a lil iffy.
By the way, could we run classic Freight after the new maps? Feeling a little nostalgic already. [table][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] 2.4mb sig ã(ಠâ¿â¿à² ã)      (â¯à² â¿â¿à² )â¯ï¸µbıs qɯ4Ë2
(This post was last modified: 06-09-2009, 01:04 PM by backfire.)