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Gone Riggin'
Crits = Skill

Posts: 1,654
Joined: Mar 2008
04-02-2013, 12:06 PM

So after nearly a year of nailing my former employer to the wall with my province's labour laws, he's now furnishing me with the means to retire my very faithful 7 year old rig.

The rig I have in mind has parts/manufactures that have been recommended in other threads. I'm just looking for any perspectives I haven't considered. Vandam already vetted this build, but created a slightly cheaper variant(excluding my peripherals).

Furious Kor: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/NBKx

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU:  Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($226.99 @ Newegg Canada)
CPU Cooler:  Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler  ($31.05 @ DirectCanada)
Thermal Compound:  Arctic Cooling MX-2 4g Thermal Paste  ($11.99 @ Newegg Canada)
Motherboard:  ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX  LGA1155 Motherboard  ($139.99 @ Newegg Canada)
Memory:  Kingston Black 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($107.64 @ DirectCanada)
Storage:  OCZ Vertex 4 128GB 2.5" Solid State Disk  ($129.99 @ Newegg Canada)
Video Card:  EVGA GeForce GTX 660 Ti 2GB Video Card  ($289.00 @ Canada Computers)
Case:  Antec Three Hundred Two ATX Mid Tower Case  ($65.00 @ Vuugo)
Case Fan:  Cooler Master R4-L2R-20AC-GP 69.0 CFM 120mm  Fan  ($5.75 @ DirectCanada)
Case Fan:  Cooler Master R4-L2R-20AC-GP 69.0 CFM 120mm  Fan  ($5.75 @ DirectCanada)
Case Fan:  Cooler Master R4-L2R-20AC-GP 69.0 CFM 120mm  Fan  ($5.75 @ DirectCanada)
Case Fan:  Cooler Master R4-L2R-20AC-GP 69.0 CFM 120mm  Fan  ($5.75 @ DirectCanada)
Power Supply:  Corsair Professional 650W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply  ($109.99 @ Memory Express)
Keyboard:  Lite-On SK-2030/B Wired Slim Keyboard  ($11.99 @ Newegg Canada)
Mouse:  Corsair Vengeance M95 Wired Laser Mouse  ($65.46 @ DirectCanada)
Total: $1212.09

Maximum Vandamage: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/MUMJ

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU:  Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($226.99 @ Newegg Canada)
CPU Cooler:  Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler  ($31.05 @ DirectCanada)
Motherboard:  Asus P8Z77-V LE ATX  LGA1155 Motherboard  ($139.88 @ Canada Computers)
Memory:  Corsair XMS3 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($98.99 @ NCIX)
Memory:  Corsair XMS3 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($98.99 @ NCIX)
Storage:  OCZ Vertex 4 128GB 2.5" Solid State Disk  ($129.99 @ Newegg Canada)
Video Card:  Asus GeForce GTX 660 2GB Video Card  ($201.50 @ Vuugo)
Case:  Antec Three Hundred Two ATX Mid Tower Case  ($65.00 @ Vuugo)
Case Fan:  Cooler Master R4-L2R-20AC-GP 69.0 CFM 120mm  Fan  ($5.75 @ DirectCanada)
Case Fan:  Cooler Master R4-L2R-20AC-GP 69.0 CFM 120mm  Fan  ($5.75 @ DirectCanada)
Case Fan:  Cooler Master R4-L2R-20AC-GP 69.0 CFM 120mm  Fan  ($5.75 @ DirectCanada)
Case Fan:  Cooler Master R4-L2R-20AC-GP 69.0 CFM 120mm  Fan  ($5.75 @ DirectCanada)
Power Supply:  Antec High Current Gamer 520W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply  ($76.73 @ DirectCanada)
Total: $1092.12

[Image: sig.jpg]

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. -Albert Einstein
Mission Difficult
BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,771
Joined: Mar 2008
04-02-2013, 12:18 PM

I wouldn't bother buying all of those extra fans. The Antec comes with some surprisingly decent (and quiet) fans that you can mount for either push or pull. Put some of that fan money into a bigger SSD.

BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,175
Joined: Nov 2008
04-02-2013, 12:31 PM

Look at getting a 670. It may be a tad more, but totes worth it.
Look at 4x4GB ram. Apparently it's better.

Also, see if you can get all of this on MemoryExpress. they'll price match + 25% of the difference, and have $5 shipping!

Posts: 4,183
Joined: Jun 2015
04-02-2013, 12:49 PM

I'd also suggest looking at Samsung instead of OCZ. The 840 (non-Pro) is cheaper and faster without the stigma of the OCZ name.
Booze Makes Me Gay

Posts: 1,557
Joined: Mar 2009
04-02-2013, 01:15 PM

You can realistically buy the exact parts you listed and be fine, most of what remains falls to smaller preferences. My build is identical to yours with the only exception of ram and case, and it's been great. But yeah, I bet stock case cooling will serve you fine.

Edit: I'm on my phone, might have missed some things

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Posts: 5,206
Joined: Dec 2009
04-02-2013, 04:38 PM

If you want to get the cooling capabilities of blue LEDs for less money, consider getting case lighting without the fans.

[Image: 2mxisdj.jpg]
[Image: snailLeonidasgo50.gif]
BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,447
Joined: Sep 2011
04-03-2013, 07:49 PM

It all looks solid and not much more to add except you will not be disappointed. The case is the same one I have and I love that case as for the other part picks listen to the other recommendations.

Sent from my Telegraph using Morse code

(06-15-2014, 03:27 PM)negate link Wrote:Hah elder you would be ramming it into Dtrains ass.
Crits = Skill

Posts: 1,654
Joined: Mar 2008
04-04-2013, 04:23 PM

Thanks for the input fellas. Parts are bought, and I have a pit of excitement in my gut about the build.

[Image: sig.jpg]

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. -Albert Einstein
BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,447
Joined: Sep 2011
04-05-2013, 06:23 PM

Don't forget to touch something metal before unboxing.

Killing a part with static is the worst

Sent from my Telegraph using Morse code

(06-15-2014, 03:27 PM)negate link Wrote:Hah elder you would be ramming it into Dtrains ass.

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