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Shadows of the Damned (New game of the year!)
BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,032
Joined: Feb 2010
07-23-2011, 06:18 AM

Shadows of the Damned: Launch Trailer

The creative mind of Suda 51, combined with resident evil 4's combat system creates a maelstrom of fun. It could be bioshock level, to me.

Go buy it.

[Image: zombie_che_sticker_400.jpg]

Blue Crew.....I got nothing flashy set up.
BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,373
Joined: May 2008
07-23-2011, 11:32 AM

Seriously? It wasn't even off the first page yet.
BRB, Posting

Posts: 2,251
Joined: Aug 2008
07-23-2011, 02:58 PM

It's a shame there won't be a sequel to this.  I guess it sold like shit.  Might've done better if it had more to the game, like special modes after you beat the game or something to extend the life of the game beyond one playthrough, maybe two if your that willing to play it again.

[Image: gokubitchslapmod.gif]

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