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Benito's new project: cp_fun

Posts: 207
Joined: Jun 2008
10-23-2008, 09:20 AM

What about some kind of low grav airblast jump course?  It would have to be cooperative between the 2 teams since you can't airblast teammates, but it could be a fun exercise in teamwork.  I'm thinking about jumps that take 3 or 4 times the normal  height you get out of a low grav airblast.  Of course there would be the problem of people getting left behind once there aren't enough people to get them to the next level, but I'm sure this could be worked out.

This might be a difficult idea to implement, but it's just something I thought sounded cool on the spur of the moment.

[Image: Pokemon_Fortress_2_by_Crystal124.jpg]
BRB, Posting

Posts: 935
Joined: Sep 2008
10-23-2008, 01:07 PM

I'm not sure if you'd ever played the map for CS (pretty sure 1.6) called funallinone.  It was quite a great map.. def try it out if you can find it anywhere... but I was thinking that might be a cool concept for you to try.

there are 6 mini maps you get to through portals.  each mini map has a specific theme: all grenades over a glass wall (could be made into all demo men with just the grenade launcher),2 houses for awp battles, pump shotties in the dark basement, 1v1 knife fights in a pit then the pit rises and whoever is left goes at it... really great map and fun for hours.

trust me... I'm a 2L
My fursona is a blops attack dog

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Joined: Mar 2008
10-23-2008, 05:57 PM

yeah, that map kicked ass. I used to play CS a lot too.


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