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Planetside Combat Guide
Mad Hatter

Posts: 12,998
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12-15-2008, 01:52 PM

Last week we got stuck indoors at an interlink battle for a good portion of the night, so I want to make a quick guide on how to use some of the weapons and how to fight indoors so it isn't nearly as frustrating as its been made out to be. Indoor combat can be fun, all be it a bit repetitive and very very spammy, but at some point you have to get out of the vehicle you are driving and go indoors if you are going to take anything.

Types of Bases:


Learn the markers on the minimap for the central staircase, control console (CC), and respawn rooms, all bases have a central staircase and you can follow it up to the front door or vehicle pad. The scale of the minimap can be changed with the bracket keys ( [ and ] ).

All bases have a back door and at least two other entrances/exits, knowing where these are and where the main enemy force is attacking is critical for defense.

- Benefit: Reduced Respawn timers at bases
- Distinguishing Features: You can change certs and implants in a room by the CC
- Don't expect to defend this base long if you get pushed inside, the generator is on the roof and the only way you can reach it is to go outside, where you will be cut down rather quickly.

- Benefit: All moving enemies get shown on radar (unless they have the sensor shield implant)
- Distinguishing features: Huge radar dish on top, and easy as fuck to defend.
- Commonly called an 'interfarm' by defenders since its so hard to crack one of these bases.
- Pick a door and camp, kill anything that tries to come through, that's about all you need to know.

Dropship Center:
- Benefit: Air pads and vehicle rearm stations will repair at bases
- Distinguishing Features: Largest base, similar interior layout to the interlink facility
- Second easiest base to defend, long backdoor hallway is very easy to watch with a few riflemen
- This is the only base you can spawn galaxies and lodestars from

AMP Station:
- Benefit: Vehicles will slowly charge shields in a friendly Sphere of influence (SOI)
- Distinguishing features: CC is located on the roof, inaccessible from indoors, you must go out and up
- Second hardest base to defend, but at least you can still spawn if the base is hacked.
- Large central room and back door are easy to defend, but offense can just door camp and wait it out

Tech Plant:
- Benefit: Access to tech vehicles (Tank, Reaver, Skyguard, Liberator)
- Distinguishing Features: CC Located at top, all vehicle pads are indoors
- Middle of the road for D, CC on the roof means that defenders tend to take the base from the top down
- Always watch the back door and vehicle bay entrance, if you dont watch the back door someone is going to get in and blow the gens

Equipment Terminals:
- They are your best friend, take a little bit of time to learn how to use them, how to get more ammo and how to set up favorites.
- If you change armor type it will fully heal your armor, if you dont it will stay damaged, if you dont have rexo take a moment to make a pajama (standard armor) config and save that so you can quickly repair yourself.

Medical Terminals: (I will destroy their medical terminals)
- If you don't have medic/engineer they are great on D, there's one located in every main room of a base, you have to holster your weapon to use them.

Vehicle Terminals:
- You should already be familiar with these, at dropship centers and tech plants they are split between air and ground.

Standard Assault:
Suppressor: Use for the lulz and not much else, unless you dont have Medium Assault (MA), very little to no cone of fire bloom
AMP: Great close range back up pistol
Beamer: Moderately good medium range backup pistol, Id still take the AMP over it though

Medium Assault (You should all have this):
Pulsar: Fire in 3 - 5 shot bursts, great at range, just got buffed, should be in most of your loadouts, watch your ammo, it can burn through it quickly
Sweeper: Medium/Close range shotgun, use indoors where you aren't firing down long cooridors, you need to land 3 - 4 shots to kill something
Punisher: Put plasma grenades in the secondary slot, don't use this unless you really know to

Special Assault:
Thumper: Carry Jammers and Plasma boxes, secondary fire is a 3 second timer, this is great for spaming around corners and down long hallways indoors, watch out for FF though Sad
Rocklet: Grenade ammo = flack, secondary fire will launch all 6 rockets at once, aim for people's feet, hard to master but it can be nice if you learn how
Radiator: Use for spamming doorways if you have an equipment module benefiit

Lancer: great against max suits and vehicles, has no lock on or directional indicator warning for enemies, one full clip to kill a max, make sure to LEAD, it has a 'charge up' time from when you press fire
Decimator: Fire and forget, 3 shots, takes all 3 to down a max, secondary fire is a camera mode, which you can detonate mid air.

Heavy Assault: (If  you don't plan on subbing you probably won't have enough certs for this)
Lasher: Just got "buffed", short to medium range, hit people with the orbs, they die, fast, simple enough
Ancient Tech HA (Can't remember name): One mode is a laser whip, the other two chain grenades, the chain grenades are the only thing worth it, it can hit a massive amount of enemies since it has no 'jump' limit for the electricity if you hit someone, as long as another person is in range it can keep jumping, amazing for defense.

Elite Assault: (Dont bother)

Bolt Driver: 1 shot, but it takes 2 to kill anything but a cloaker, takes a bit of learning to know how to lead people with it, also good at defending hallways

Grenades (Standard):
Carry Jammers, carry jammers, carry jammers (maybe plasma in reserve)

Make several, for indoors, outdoors, and driving, this will depend on if you have Rexo or not (Carry 2 rifles). Im not going to go into specific layout details but just general ones.

- Right clicking will hot swap inventory items into slots, things will go into the first available empty slot, if none are found it will switch with the one first pistol or rifle slot.
- Always carry a jammer as one of your pistol slots, or a plasma grenade, either way keep the other type in your pack to hot swap out
- Driving or gunning, carry a gun in your pack to quick-swap out with your glue gun, bear in mind that HA and AV are a 3x3 square larger than the gluegun
- Carry at least one medpack (preferably 2 - 3) and learn to use them instinctively

- Rebind your toolbar to easier to access keys, especially the toolbar item for medkits, they default to F1 - F10 (?), but in Key Mapping -> Hud, you can reassign them to like Mouse 3, 4, or 5 for example

Infantry Tactics:
-To be good in ground combat it helps to understand the subtle nuances of the game, everything is client side hit detection so you CAN be around walls/cover and sometimes get wasted anyway.
-Small movement on your screen can create large movements on theirs, a good thing to do is duck, fire, get up, strafe slightly, duck again, fire again, then repeat. Makes it a fuck ton harder to hit you on their screen
- Use medkits use medkits use medkits
- When you die, dont click to respawn immediately (release), give it 10 - 15 seconds to see if an advanced medic attempts to revive you
- If you run out of stamina or are just revived by an advanced medic, move away from the fight and crouch, when you hit 20 again you will be able to move normally
- Toss jammers if you suspect that theres a boomer trap, toss plasma if you think someone is hiding around a corner
- A yellow flash over your crosshair means you hit something, good for telling if someone is around a corner
- Get adv targeting if you are BR6 or higher, it lets you pick out the more damaged enemies by revealing their health/armor
- If someone moves to heal you stop moving, they can not heal you unless you are stationary
- Don't fight in 3rd person, but use it to peek around corners, the - and + key on the numpad zoom the 3rd person camera in and out
- When outdoors always have some sort of cover plan to get behind something if you come under fire
- Also when outdoors have your jammers out to lob them at any vehicles that get too close
- X changes ammo, if you change ammo and save a loadout, that ammo will be in there next time you use that favorite, by default the punsher will have a mini rocket, and the thumper will have frag grenades.

[Image: caffsighl7.jpg]Â[Image: 1184299259221.gif]
Sig by Joel

12-15-2008, 02:20 PM

(12-15-2008, 01:52 PM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: so I want to make a quick guide on how to use some of the weapons and how to fight indoors so it isn't nearly as frustrating as its been made out to be.

Translation: Rummy bitched and whined like a girl during and after indoor combat, so I thought I would write up some stfu.txt for him.

Alignment: Hungry

Posts: 168
Joined: May 2008
12-15-2008, 02:40 PM

I am going to expand on some of the stuff Caff noted:

Medium Assault (You should all have this):
Punisher: Put plasma or frag grenades in the secondary slot, don't use this unless you really know to <<<<------ This is how to use this combo properly.  First go into game options and disable auto-reload.  Then fire the grenade and immediately switch to primary and mow them down.  If you do not disable auto-reload the grenade launcher will reload on the spot and you will lose 2-3 seconds that you could be shooting them with the primary gun fire.

Special Assault:
Thumper: Carry Jammers and Plasma boxes (SC prefers frag), secondary fire is a 3 second timer, this is great for spaming around corners and down long hallways indoors, watch out for FF though Sad
General Grenade notes:
Plasma:  Good against infantry.  NOT GOOD AGAINST VEHICLES AND MAXES.  (On maxes does armor dmg FIRST, no health until around the 10th grenade)  Highest damage of the hand thrown grenades.
Frag: Does health and armor.  Excellent against maxes.  Highest damage of the launched grenades.

Heavy Assault: (If  you don't plan on subbing you probably won't have enough certs for this)
Ancient Tech HA (Can't remember name): One mode is a laser whip, the other two chain grenades, the chain grenades are the only thing worth it, it can hit a massive amount of enemies since it has no 'jump' limit for the electricity if you hit someone, as long as another person is in range it can keep jumping, amazing for defense. <---- It also only takes 3-4 chain lash grenades to kill all types of infantry (except maxes)

Elite Assault: Flame thrower wins against every other weapon in the game if you ambush them within 10 meters.  Running into a room and burninating bitches is also fun as hell as they all scream like little girls.  TTK at point blank is around 1.5-2 seconds.
(This post was last modified: 12-15-2008, 02:42 PM by shadowcast.)
Seabreeze: That Damn Sniper

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12-15-2008, 02:44 PM

Quick question. I was in a battle for a base last night and an advance medic kept typing "DON'T TAP, DON'T TAP". Is that not respawning?

Mad Hatter

Posts: 12,998
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12-15-2008, 02:46 PM

(12-15-2008, 02:20 PM)rumsfald link Wrote: [quote author=CaffeinePowered link=topic=1984.msg55524#msg55524 date=1229367153]
so I want to make a quick guide on how to use some of the weapons and how to fight indoors so it isn't nearly as frustrating as its been made out to be.

Translation: Rummy bitched and whined like a girl during and after indoor combat, so I thought I would write up some stfu.txt for him.


No, just a general guide because indoors and infantry combat is much harder for one to wrap their head around than vehicles.

Another good rule is to stick together and assault together. PS suffers immensely from the whole 'penguin in the ocean' problem no one wants to be the first in, it we got 10 people and stormed a door together, odds are anyone around will follow us in and while the first 3 - 4 people will die the rest will clean house.

(12-15-2008, 02:44 PM)cbre88x link Wrote: Quick question. I was in a battle for a base last night and an advance medic kept typing "DON'T TAP, DON'T TAP". Is that not respawning?

Yes, "tapping" is slag for respawn, it came from having to 'tap' or press the button to go to the respawn menu. If you see someone spamming a macro like that in local chat wait around if you die for them to get to you.

[Image: caffsighl7.jpg]Â[Image: 1184299259221.gif]
Sig by Joel
(This post was last modified: 12-15-2008, 02:48 PM by CaffeinePowered.)
Seabreeze: That Damn Sniper

Posts: 2,835
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12-15-2008, 03:39 PM

I figured, but I wasn't sure. Also, it pisses me off when you think no one is at a base, but a cloaker rams a machine gun up your ass when you least expect it.

Alignment: Hungry

Posts: 168
Joined: May 2008
12-15-2008, 04:36 PM

(12-15-2008, 03:39 PM)cbre88x link Wrote: I figured, but I wasn't sure. Also, it pisses me off when you think no one is at a base, but a cloaker rams a machine gun up your ass when you least expect it.

I assure you, it is much more fun when you are the cloaker Wink
Mad Hatter

Posts: 12,998
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12-15-2008, 04:57 PM

(12-15-2008, 04:36 PM)shadowcast link Wrote: [quote author=cbre88x link=topic=1984.msg55554#msg55554 date=1229373544]
I figured, but I wasn't sure. Also, it pisses me off when you think no one is at a base, but a cloaker rams a machine gun up your ass when you least expect it.

I assure you, it is much more fun when you are the cloaker Wink

And unfortunately we really cant do a cloaker night, its really really hard to do stealth below BR12 when you can have sensor shield and some other implant, usually surge or adv targeting

[Image: caffsighl7.jpg]Â[Image: 1184299259221.gif]
Sig by Joel
I make Reavers my Bitch

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12-15-2008, 06:26 PM

(12-15-2008, 02:46 PM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: Another good rule is to stick together and assault together. PS suffers immensely from the whole 'penguin in the ocean' problem no one wants to be the first in, it we got 10 people and stormed a door together, odds are anyone around will follow us in and while the first 3 - 4 people will die the rest will clean house.

I am always that first penguin.  I have like, no fear of death in the game, since I figure I'm usually just gonna die anyways XD.  I'd rather charge in and piss people off with some plasma nades then get MCGed in a cowering group.

(09-11-2008, 05:11 PM)Dave link Wrote:i would totaly ride that gay ass dragon thing.
Scary Womanizing Pig Mask
Fierce Pork Trooper

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12-15-2008, 06:32 PM

Thanks for the tips! Hopefully this should help when I join you guys Smile

Jack Thompson Fan Club Member

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12-16-2008, 11:56 AM

I just hate the infantry combat in general in Planetside.  I just wish someone could combine the graphics, infantry combat, and interface of Battlefield 2142 with the everything else of Planetside.

Mad Hatter

Posts: 12,998
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12-16-2008, 12:12 PM

(12-16-2008, 11:56 AM)Eschatos link Wrote: I just hate the infantry combat in general in Planetside.  I just wish someone could combine the graphics, infantry combat, and interface of Battlefield 2142 with the everything else of Planetside.

No, I rather like the longer TTKs of planetside, being one shotted by vehicles I can see, but getting mowed down by other infantry one shotting you would be a nightmare in a game like PS. Sad

Personal preference I guess, but I don't think the mechanics would work out completely correct unless they really reduced respawn timers.

[Image: caffsighl7.jpg]Â[Image: 1184299259221.gif]
Sig by Joel
Jack Thompson Fan Club Member

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12-16-2008, 12:20 PM

(12-16-2008, 12:12 PM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: [quote author=Eschatos link=topic=1984.msg55792#msg55792 date=1229446562]
I just hate the infantry combat in general in Planetside.  I just wish someone could combine the graphics, infantry combat, and interface of Battlefield 2142 with the everything else of Planetside.

No, I rather like the longer TTKs of planetside, being one shotted by vehicles I can see, but getting mowed down by other infantry one shotting you would be a nightmare in a game like PS. Sad

Personal preference I guess, but I don't think the mechanics would work out completely correct unless they really reduced respawn timers.

Personally I think BF2142 plays a lot like Planetside, if the damage of weapons was majorly increased.  The vehicles it has all have virtually identical counterparts in Planetside, right down to hovertanks. The weapons are pretty similar too.  I just think BF2142 has far superior infantry combat and Planetside has far superior vehicle combat.


12-16-2008, 08:53 PM

someone is mentioning bf2142 in a positive light , my ears are burning.


12-16-2008, 09:59 PM

(12-16-2008, 08:53 PM)Vandamguy link Wrote: someone is mentioning bf2142 in a positive light , my ears are burning.

That's one helluva gonorrhea to get in your ears.

12-16-2008, 10:09 PM

i met a new girl with some strange fettish, she wanted to fuck my ear with her strapon
Tomatoes On Toast

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12-17-2008, 05:55 PM

(12-16-2008, 12:12 PM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: No, I rather like the longer TTKs of planetside, being one shotted by vehicles I can see, but getting mowed down by other infantry one shotting you would be a nightmare in a game like PS. Sad

What do you mean 'would be'?

I make Reavers my Bitch

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12-17-2008, 06:47 PM

(12-17-2008, 05:55 PM)Kalarifik link Wrote: [quote author=CaffeinePowered link=topic=1984.msg55794#msg55794 date=1229447543]
No, I rather like the longer TTKs of planetside, being one shotted by vehicles I can see, but getting mowed down by other infantry one shotting you would be a nightmare in a game like PS. Sad

What do you mean 'would be'?

Lolololol.  MCG feels like a one shot half the time >=/.

(09-11-2008, 05:11 PM)Dave link Wrote:i would totaly ride that gay ass dragon thing.
Seabreeze: That Damn Sniper

Posts: 2,835
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12-17-2008, 08:58 PM

Someone invited me to a squad as soon as I jumped in last night. I went with them to take over 2 bases and successfully defend one other base on Ishundar. Took about 2 or 3 hours. One included regrouping in the sanctuary and jumping from a Galaxy gunship. Also got to BR 5 and I'm trying to figure out what certs I want. I'm still learning, but this game is fun as hell.

(This post was last modified: 12-17-2008, 08:59 PM by cbre88x.)
Seabreeze: That Damn Sniper

Posts: 2,835
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12-18-2008, 02:56 AM

Can someone explain how the hell to get a BFR and how to "implant with the Aur. core". wtf?

Edit: I just read about it....how the fuck am I supposed to do all that shit

(This post was last modified: 12-18-2008, 03:03 AM by cbre88x.)

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