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Unofficial Biographies of BRBU celebrities.

05-21-2008, 06:40 PM

Once upon a time, I refused to make an intro post until the old-timers make ones themselves. 

The following barnacles fossils of this server, and forums, have gone far too long without "doing us a proper" and introducing themselves.  Until these elitists decide that they are good enough to mingle with the unwashed masses, I will do be forced to write unauthorized biographies.

Kor: I admit it.  I tried to cheap out on you by copy-pasting a complaint generator.  Who knew I would get caught.  Apparently, I am too lazy and to just cut and paste the WoW intro thread I made.  I sure hope Vandam doesn't post a link to THAT THREAD here. I'm still Canadian, I love beer (but not most of that piss America makes), and I have a sexy voice.  Did you know that these forums used to be named after my voice? My hero is the Kool-Aid Guy. Also, I don't post much anymore, but I still lurk and lock threads.  That is as long as some deadbeat ain't bogarting my monitor.

Aerox I live in CA and love red wine and got internet famous by recording a fat brit drunk off his monocle in a tub.  Also, I whoop your ass from a 3-year old laptop.

Senor Tacos I am funny and uncereal and I love old-timey hats.  And, I didn't have a mic forever but now I do and I can sing bass with Kor.  Voted most likely to random steammessage you.  Also, known to get silly with admin privileges.

Jorge Does anyone know anything about the mystery that is George?  We know he liked SSMB for a month, and that he likes to win.

Eschatos I live in FL.  With my hero, Jack Thompson.  I play 9000 games at once, and every 30 minutes switch to a different game on a strict schedule.

Budr I'm British. and I can recite every line in Blade Runner.  Also, I like the younger women. Girls really. It's a mental affliction that I caught from fapping it to the spice girls a little too much.

Spore I'm from Maine.  I took credit for mortal bonkbat and the Gentleman's Fighter Club. Also, someone stole my steam ID, so if you get a random string of letters, it aint me.  Also, if that fucker messages you, you better have my back. Please text him to turn himself in.

TC: GHost gets a free pass till he comes back from africa or whereever. Spotted at Pax, but has he made a post here since.  IF he comes back, he can still make it to the first TC vs BALKSACKofTBAGwithBRBUMGSTFAD game.

Yashoki I started a lot of drama.  But then I tried to make it right and opened up the Steam Group.  Am I lurking, have I gone - you decide.

Cannibal Calvin Likes to post the same old tired ant-furry spray. thread deleted.

``sanitymask t-shirt ninja from montreal?

whither flops.

Black Aspen Lives near Kor. Haven't seen him in a while.  Did Kor dump him over niagra falls?

and the following people whom I don't know but who, for some unknown reason, added me to their friends list so I felt guilted into accepted as a friend even though they may be serial killers:
-Ashen Karshe

And, lest I forget, the most golden voice/accent on the server.

Grats to the following folks for being on my steam list and actually posting intros before I started nagging:

Folks who didn't post an intro here (at first), but introduced themselves elsewhere to get Extra Credit
-TragicHero, who's job-quitting story is the best damn intro in my book. Poor fucking bastard.
-Shipero, for his unabashed love of hentai games is the scarriest damn intro in my book.

Folks who obliged my nagging.
Joel (WTF)
Fail Medic Word is bond.
El_Fajitas has risen.  He lurked for your sins, but he shall rise again.
Toilet Duck hai didn't c u thar.
Evil Cheese
Mission Difficult
The Toilet Duck (SORRY MISTA)
Princess (canned) Peach(es)
Copulating Duck
fyre (king of weak micspam)
gee-hoff (geoff)
korkesh (fake Kor)
Luca fo Shoal
WTF Joel
Whacker of SGs

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05-21-2008, 06:44 PM


(11-04-2008, 09:06 PM)Surf314 link Wrote:Joel isn't just a furry he is the furry.  He's like the furry king.  Most here are his subjects.

(05-14-2009, 01:35 PM)Vlambo link Wrote:I thought it was gonna be Every White Person vs Joel

Man of Ethanol

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05-21-2008, 06:45 PM

(05-21-2008, 06:44 PM)WTF Joel link Wrote: no


Signature temporarily out of order until I get off my lazy ass to fix it.
My fursona is a blops attack dog

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05-21-2008, 06:46 PM

(05-21-2008, 06:45 PM)ainmosni link Wrote: [quote author=WTF Joel link=topic=335.msg7747#msg7747 date=1211413440]



edit: making an intro now, wall of text style.

Mad Hatter

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05-21-2008, 07:19 PM

maybe later

[Image: caffsighl7.jpg]Â[Image: 1184299259221.gif]
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05-21-2008, 08:26 PM

(05-21-2008, 07:19 PM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: maybe later

Me too.

But you know rumsfald, this is the introduction section. I think your refusal is actually an introduction in disquise. So....welcome to the forums and stuff.
Jack Thompson Fan Club Member

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05-21-2008, 08:58 PM

As soon as I find a camera that takes decent pictures, you'll have one.

Real World Azn

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05-21-2008, 09:29 PM

(05-21-2008, 08:58 PM)Eschatos link Wrote: As soon as I find a camera that takes decent pictures, you'll have one.
Jee hoff will make one sooner or later

(10-06-2011, 04:24 AM)Vandamguy link Wrote:just ignore everything Geoff posts its always trolling or ignorant drivel
Tragic Hero
Too Asexual For A Custom Title

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05-21-2008, 09:33 PM

Horray for getting extra credit!  Too bad that doesn't look good on my resume *sigh*

I plan on making a more proper intro sometime soon
Unbalancer of the Internet

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05-22-2008, 09:52 AM

Wait... people want to know more about me aside from what a shitty TF2 player I am? ???

Caffeine`brb!u: /facepalm
Caffeine`brb!u: you have the technological ability of Dede
Caffeine`brb!u: OOOOOOO what does this button do
Caffeine`brb!u: *break*
Seriously, this week I'll play PS

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05-22-2008, 01:16 PM

Race to make Rummy make intro thread 3...2...1 go

[Image: samjackson-4.png]

05-22-2008, 06:16 PM

So, my first game experience was my cousin's Fairchild. His dad was so hardcore he used to copy roms back in the day with solder and shit. I forget the games, I think one was a version or similar to Miner 2049er and one played like Warlords for Atari.

After that, my grandmother (yes, really) got an Atari 2600 for when I visited.  Hated Swordquest, loved combat, river raid, pitfall, the music in raiders of the lost ark, but my absolute favorite was torturing that fucking Bat from Adventure.

The first system I got was a TI99 4A http://www.rewindmag.co.uk/images/issue1/ticomp.gif.  I think Epyx made a mean Temple of Asphi D&D style game that I loved, except the fucking tape loading.

Next was the colecovision and commadore64 era.  Coleco was alright, DK, zaxxon, and especially Bump and Jump (with the wheel), but the C64 remains one of my favorite platforms.  Beachhead I and II, Raid on Bungling Bay, Mail order Monsters (waiting for that remake), Bard's Tale, Summer Games, Winter Games...original castle wolfenstein, Ultima...

I never had a NES.  My neighbor did, and we shared a paper route just so we could rent games.  I think we rented zelda for like 2 months.  My favorite NES games were Golgo 13 and Master Blaster.

I have a long history of picking loser consoles. I was an early adopter of the Turbographix 16, and aside from Dungeon Explorer and Military Madness that was a huge flop (fuck Bonk). My cousin (different one) got sick of me always playing his Genesis, so he bought me one (I didn't ask for it) and then said "suprise, now pay me back" so I had to work all summer to pay him back (dick).  But I forgive him because he lent me Phantasy Star 2, which remains one of my favorite RPGs.

I was on the cluetrain with the SNES, and I was "that guy" in college who had both the SNES and Genesis with the multiplay adapters (4 on genesis, 5 on SNES) where everyone was playing Bill Walsh, Madden, NHL '93 every fucking night. A Link to the Past and FFII were the absolute best.

Yes, I had a sega CD.  Yes, night trap sucks (RIP Dana Plato). I traded that to some dude for a 3D0.  That sucked too (I blame you in the Horde, Kirk Cameron).  Thankfully, my grandmother (same one) had a pc (286, 386, 486DX), where I got my fill of DOOM, Monkey Island, and all those good sierra games.

After that came grad school, and no games.  I didn't have a computer yet, the first computer in the house was when my fiance moved in and brough her's, a packard bell P75 with a 14.4 modem.  We were too poor to buy games, so I figured out how to "obtain" GTA I.  The packard bell didn't keep up with grad school work, so we got a Bondi-Blue imac, right when Quake 3 test came out (mac included)!  I cut my FPS teeth on q3 and UT with one button.

I built my first proper PC (AMD Duron 600mhz, still running next to me) around the time that DAOC came out, played that for several months.  Got into CS at 7.6 and Natural Selection from the start, DOD at beta. Upgraded to a new PC for DOOM 3 (a64 2800+), and that is the same rig I game on now. I dabbled a bit in BF2 before TF2 came out, but it ran like shit on this old cpu. Did WOW for 6 months till I realized to play the endgame you need to sit still and not take a pee-break for 4 hours straight.

For various reasons, I missed out on the PS, PS2, Xbox, n64, and gamecube. Within the past year and a half I have had lots of free time since being out of grad school and the military, so I've picked up a Wii, then a DS (fav platform currently, I play on the train), then an Xbox360.  Wii is gathering dust since I got the 360, but the 360 games are kinda hit or miss.
It's pronounced yor-ge

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05-24-2008, 03:40 AM

Why is your name rumsfald?

Mad Hatter

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05-24-2008, 10:39 AM

(05-24-2008, 03:40 AM)jorge link Wrote: Why is your name rumsfald?

Maybe he IS Donald Rumsfald  Tongue

[Image: caffsighl7.jpg]Â[Image: 1184299259221.gif]
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05-24-2008, 11:45 AM

(05-24-2008, 10:39 AM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: [quote author=jorge link=topic=335.msg8183#msg8183 date=1211618439]
Why is your name rumsfald?

Maybe he IS Donald Rumsfald  Tongue

Who is Donald Rumsfald?

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05-24-2008, 12:08 PM

(05-21-2008, 06:40 PM)rumsfald link Wrote: Shipero, for his unabashed love of hentai games is the scarriest damn intro in my book.

I don't "love" them. I absolutely adore them.

I hope the videocard I ordered gets here before Tuesday, I haven't gotten to play with you guys on TFT for about a month or two.

[Image: 2669413287_962ae7392a_o.gif][Image: 2669413259_6088bc93a8_o.gif][Image: 2669413189_bfcdafe37c_o.gif][Image: 2669413157_dab56f9c51_o.gif][Image: 2669413127_a97cabe517_o.gif][Image: 2670235042_949a1960dc_o.gif]
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...

05-24-2008, 12:25 PM

(05-24-2008, 03:40 AM)jorge link Wrote: Why is your name rumsfald?
short answer: it's a gag name.

long answer: Nearly every time my IRC group settles on a new game, we wind up with new nicks to play in game, usually based on a theme.  This time around the theme was current political types.  Much better then the theme around an ee-cummings poem (http://www.americanpoems.com/poets/eecummings/11936)

The ald is a callback to the Ronald McDonald theme years back, when everyone added an -ald to the end of their name. Imagine the Night of the 1000 Kors repeated every time a new game comes out.

So 1+2 = rumsfald.  you may have also seen Huckabald, Ron Pald, Obamald, but those fools don't like the TF2 like I do.

I picked rummy because 1) he has said some of the stupidest things  ever (http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/news/bh/rumsfeld.shtml), 2) he makes the funniest looking faces and hand gestures (http://www.poe-news.com/features.php?feat=31845), and 3) I fucking hate that prick.

I've had the urge to change my name several times already, I'm already bored with this one.
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05-26-2008, 07:29 PM

(05-22-2008, 06:16 PM)rumsfald link Wrote: The first system I got was a TI99 4A http://www.rewindmag.co.uk/images/issue1/ticomp.gif.  I think Epyx made a mean Temple of Asphi D&D style game that I loved, except the fucking tape loading.

That was my first. It was a awesome piece of hardware. I think we still have it, someplace, maybe.

Woo hoo ACEN here I come.

06-15-2008, 05:25 PM

bump, for those who still have not made intro posts.

06-15-2008, 05:28 PM

whats my motivation.

will i get +karma or -smite

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