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cp_bessjump suggestions.

04-05-2008, 02:08 PM

I know the map is not meant to be taken seriously ... But is there anything you guys could recommend to make it better?

So far;
Medipacks on some of the buildings.
Elevator on outside of the building. (No more room in the building)
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04-05-2008, 02:10 PM

Decreased fall damage, but still normal gravity.

Mad Hatter

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04-05-2008, 02:13 PM

(04-05-2008, 02:10 PM)Eschatos link Wrote: Decreased fall damage, but still normal gravity.

You cant do that, thats what the pools of water are for though.

I would suggest some alternative ways of getting up to the last point, having only that back elevator is ridiculous.

OR, you could make the entire top of the building a no build zone so you can't put sentries there

[Image: caffsighl7.jpg]Â[Image: 1184299259221.gif]
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Black Aspen
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04-05-2008, 03:49 PM

(04-05-2008, 02:13 PM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: I would suggest some alternative ways of getting up to the last point, having only that back elevator is ridiculous.

There's a jump-spot on the side of the building too, no?  From the roof with the trees on it (2nd to last point).

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04-05-2008, 04:13 PM

more water surface in the middle area, if a swarm of engineers gets down there and builds their sentries on the sides, everyones fucked from the moment they drop down. Also higher invisible wall in the middle against demomen stickies.

[Image: sanitymaskswirl1.gif]
Mad Hatter

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04-05-2008, 04:15 PM

(04-05-2008, 03:49 PM)Black Aspen link Wrote: [quote author=CaffeinePowered link=topic=79.msg1094#msg1094 date=1207422836]
I would suggest some alternative ways of getting up to the last point, having only that back elevator is ridiculous.

There's a jump-spot on the side of the building too, no?  From the roof with the trees on it (2nd to last point).

Still needs one more like a second elevator chute or something.

I still think the last point needs to be a no-build zone

[Image: caffsighl7.jpg]Â[Image: 1184299259221.gif]
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04-05-2008, 04:30 PM


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04-05-2008, 08:06 PM

i'd enjoy a set of stairs to go up the building rather than an ear popping elevator. seriously, i'd use it. i'm sure the heavies could use the exercise.

oh, and health packs.

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[Image: 1fzo94.jpg]

04-06-2008, 03:34 PM

invisible walls are dumb.  If a sniper sees someone, they should be able to shoot them.  If you don't want sniper warfare from spawn to spawn, then block them with a real wall - like maybe a taller tower in the middle that has windows that 1) snipers can shoot through from spawn to spawn, and 2) other classes can get in that middle building and put covering fire on the point.

If you have a vantage point to assualt the final cap, then you can keep it a building zone (preferred).

moar water wherever you jump down.

small bits of cover (like awnings) over top parts of the lower floors, so there are places to hide from the raining rockets.
BRB, Posting

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04-06-2008, 09:17 PM

Maby Ledges all the way down to the bottom so you could - technically - not have to aim for the water

[table][tr][td][Image: style5,The-spc-Pwnrgization.png] [/td][td]Chooly: /nevergonnagiveyouup
Eschatos: /nevergonnaletyoudown
[TC] Versus: /nevergonnarunaround
[TC] Versus: /anddesertyou
ToiletDuck: /closeapplication[/td][/tr][/table]
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04-06-2008, 09:38 PM

If you can, don't allow snipers on the map. A good sniper completely breaks it.

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Caffeine`brb!u: you have the technological ability of Dede
Caffeine`brb!u: OOOOOOO what does this button do
Caffeine`brb!u: *break*

04-06-2008, 09:51 PM

What do you guys think about closing the building off, and just having a couple of elevators on the outside of the building?

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04-07-2008, 09:47 AM

I'm totally in aggreement about both health packs and more water at the bottom.  If an engy gets to build a sentry there, it's just one-sided mayhem.  They should /really/ work for that  Tongue

Black Aspen
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04-07-2008, 09:35 PM

I like the idea of a big building (or something) between the 2 roofs, instead of the invisible wall.  It would be a nice surprise when you finally get up to the enemy's roof, if you can't see it ahead of time.
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04-09-2008, 12:07 PM

The lobbys of both buildings should be no build zones.  It's just too good of a strategy to build sentries, and there is no good way of destroying them.  A good team can lock down the center almost at the beginning of the game, and then the other team will just turtle.

Also its too easy to guard the top of the elevator.  It'd almost be better if the invisible wall was gone but you spawned in a room, than the teams could take out the defenses from the other side, but you technically couldn't spawn camp.

[Image: samjackson-4.png]

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