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Dumbest Family Guy videos.
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05-29-2008, 10:55 PM

Alright guys, i am feeding my kid and watching family guy the one with the "shepoopie" song.  So fricking wrong in so many ways.  Anyways.  This gave me an idea of posting the dumbest skits from that show.
Here is one

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05-29-2008, 11:24 PM

That wasn't dumb but more of sad.  Poor bullfrog.  There is one part of an episode I thought was hilarious that I couldn't find on youtube where Lois is BBQing and notices here sausages are missing.  Then the scene cuts to meg in her bedroom with the sausages saying "Im going to pretend you are the New York Nicks!".

Vile, Racist, and perverted, yet funny the whole way through.

05-30-2008, 07:37 AM

i quite liked that video Smile

Reminds me of a time when I was a young kid and used to catch frogs, then throw them up in the air and make them splash into the river. Catch them again and release it. Untill it stopped moving. Which confused me for a moment, then i would have to catch another one.

I had no idea what 'death' was back then.
Ask me about quotes on plumbing

Posts: 334
Joined: May 2008
06-05-2008, 02:05 PM



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