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Changing of the Guard: New Community Manager.
Crits = Skill

Posts: 1,654
Joined: Mar 2008
04-11-2009, 01:27 PM

For those that are veteran members of the community, you have been made aware of Scotty's decision to step back from his role as Community Manager. For those new to our community, Scotty has been the CM since the inception of BRB, Uninstalling, and over time has defined that role. The role of the communicator, the role of the liaison. Scotty's definition of the Community Manager position allowed this fine amalgamation of personalities remain cohesive, and thusly maintain the unique playing experience on our servers. It can not be understated how important this role is to a still growing community. To that end, the position will not remain vacant.

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Surf(314 is silent) to Community Manager.

Surf will be the liaison to both the community and the administration. We selected someone outside the current admins for this specific role so that he could deal with all sides as an unbiased and fair manner. His desire to see a unified and content community should not be underestimated; make use of that passion and come to Surf if you have a comment, question, concern, or compliant. There is nothing taboo with Surf(other then loaning his wife out, I'm sure), so long as its brought to him in a semi-coherent manner, and always with respect in your heart. To the administration, Surf's role allows us to step away from situations that may be be inappropriate for individual admins to handle, and seek out better solutions with an unbiased perspective. The community as a whole will benefit from Surf's appointment if he is made use of!

Surf has been one of the founding members of the community, coming over from Dtoid and supporting brb,U in its infancy. Surf has also managed multiple events in the past, including Ship and Random TF Mod Nights. His moderate tone on the forums and his easy-going nature in-game have made him one of the most recognized and respected members in the community. All of us here in the administration look forward to Surf adding his definitions to the Community Manager role.

Welcome Surf, and congratulations!!

[Image: sig.jpg]

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. -Albert Einstein

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