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The Last of Us (Mushroom Zombie Mayhem)
Didzo of Crafting

Posts: 1,025
Joined: Dec 2010
06-17-2013, 04:45 PM

Picked it up on release as it tickles my post apocalyptic fancy. Pretty happy with it so far even though I'm just getting into the main story.
Anyone else played it yet?

BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,736
Joined: May 2008
08-26-2013, 06:45 PM

Pretty fun. Watched the video of one of the devs showing around on the mutiplayer maps, He says "you know" a ungodly amount of times & corrected him self saying zombies to the clickers.

[move][Image: snailkittygoleft.gif][Image: snailSingoleft.gif][Image: snailAxirothgoleft.gif][Image: snailLuinbarielgoleft.gif][Image: snailpryogoleft.gif][Image: snailspennygoleft.gif][Image: snailMinzgoleft.gif][Image: snailRinnsgoleft.gif][Image: snailChuruyago.gif][Image: snailheavygo.gif][Image: snailRigorMortisgoleft.gif][Image: snailherejonnygoleft.gif][Image: koopeyebot50.gif][Image: cuddlescrawlleft.gif]
[Image: lolsgcatgunhugger.gif]
Strangest comment I've read sofar
"do you stroke your rack when you lie awake in bed at night... dreaming of the oven that got away?"

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