Be Right Back, Uninstalling
Your Spore creations. - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Your Spore creations. (/showthread.php?tid=8451)

Your Spore creations. - Vandamguy - 09-07-2008

Its pretty simple, upload your creations into photobucket. they are fround in  \my documents\my spore creations\  the post them up here.
others should be able to click/drag them into the proper folder from the browser window

Note: posting the animated gif's is nice , but the game cant read them to make creature, static images only please Smile

I will be heavily moderating this thread to prevent derailment. Please post creations only.

For the people that cant read and posted something else than creations, I have a wall of fail.
Riosan, Karth, Eschatos, Vongore

spore discussion thread

[Image: TheGongSong.png][Image: Dorco1.png][Image: Dorco2.png][Image: Dorco.png][Image: Onemis1.png][Image: Onemis-1.png]
[Image: Trette1.png][Image: Trette-1.png][Image: Onemis.png][Image: Trette.png][Image: Tuaiba.png][Image: Dorf.png]

Re: Your Spore creations. - HeK - 09-07-2008

[Image: retardowk5.png]


Re: Your Spore creations. - Luinbariel - 09-07-2008

[Image: Spore_GIF_2008-09-03_21-41-16.gif] Duck Thing
[Image: Spore_GIF_2008-09-04_15-59-36.gif] Magical Leruoplieodons
[Image: Spore_GIF_2008-09-06_21-57-43.gif] Retarded Psyduck

Re: Your Spore creations. - hawtpawkithero - 09-07-2008

Progression of Murloc-topia!
[Image: murlocgs2.png]walking on land
[Image: murloc1cr4.png]tribal stage
[Image: murloc2ef3.png]civ stage
[Image: murloc3pv2.png]space stage

Re: Your Spore creations. - hawtpawkithero - 09-07-2008

[Image: sporegif20080906123407vx4.gif]
lol penis building.

Re: Your Spore creations. - Scary Womanizing Pig Mask - 09-07-2008

Don't have it yet, but here's some I made in the creature creator:

It's Pinsir? Sort of.
[Image: 500000289496_lrg.png]

[Image: 500000758101.png]

[Image: 500000757944.png]

[Image: 500000757920.png]

[Image: 500000737868.png]

Re: Your Spore creations. - Maxon - 09-08-2008

[Image: cryptosaurri0.png]

This was only done with the Spore Creature Creator trial so it's not as good as it could be with my limited amount of things to use, heh.

Re: Your Spore creations. - hawtpawkithero - 09-08-2008

[Image: nigarms7.png]
no comment needed